Monday, July 31, 2017

Why Your Dentist Cares if You Have Sleep Apnea

 SLEEP APNEA AT HILLSIDE DENTALYou may think that all your dentist cares about is the state of your teeth and gums, but this is not true of all dentists. Many dentists in Las Vegas are also concerned with other areas of your health that are connected to your oral structures such as TMJ problems and even conditions such as sleep apnea

Q: What is sleep apnea?

This is a surprisingly common sleep disorder which causes an interruption in breathing during sleep. In more rare cases, the problem may stem from a neurological cause, but for most people, sleep apnea is a result of a blockage to the airway, often by the tongue or other soft tissues in the throat.

Q: What are some of the symptoms of this problem?

Because this disorder only occurs during sleep, most people who are affected by it don’t even know that they suffer from it. However, there are some common signs which may indicate that you suffer from sleep apnea. If you don’t live alone, a partner or family member may notice that you snore at night and suddenly stop snoring while making a choking or gasping noise. Even if no one can monitor your sleep, you may experience some symptoms during the day as well. For example, people who suffer from sleep apnea often wake up with a dry mouth or sore throat and will experience drowsiness and exhaustion through the day. In addition to waking up still feeling tired, some people may become irritable and notice impaired motor skills and may fall asleep easily during the day.

Q: How can a dentist help with sleep apnea?

This may seem like an unusual problem for a dentist to help with, but many dentists are actually specially equipped to help with this problem. One of the most common treatments offered by dentists to correct sleep apnea is an oral appliance. This is a simple device similar to a mouth guard which will be designed especially for you to be worn during the night to keep your airway open.

To Learn More About Sleep Apnea, Please Visit: Hillside Dental 

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